“We are better
Follow Jesus
Follow Jesus
By following Jesus, you can receive the grace and forgiveness He offers. This decision can begin with a prayer as simple as this:
Thank you, Jesus, for dying on the cross for my sin, and offering me grace and forgiveness so that I can have peace with God. I want to follow You with my whole life, and I humbly ask You to lead me into a relationship with You.
Baptism is an outward sign of an inward change. It symbolizes a believer finding new life in Jesus and publicly identifying himself or herself as a Christ-follower. Baptism takes place during Sunday morning worship services on various dates at each of our campuses.
Lend a Hand
Lend a Hand
We believe that lending a hand helps us grow closer to Jesus and find hope – and sharing our time and talents is a key part of that. We have opportunities for you to lend a hand by serving at Fairhaven, in our community, and around the world.
Dedicate my child
Dedicate my child
Your child’s dedication is your public declaration to commit yourself to raise your child to know Christ as their Savior, and that you commit yourself, as parents, to provide an environment in which that can happen. Child Dedication services are offered twice per year at each of our campuses.
Any Christ-follower who regularly attends Fairhaven Church is welcome to become part of our covenant membership. Membership events are offered twice per year at each of our campuses.
There are three parts of a membership event:
- Attend a 60-minute class on our history, beliefs, denomination and membership covenant
- An interview by an elder or a pastor about your spiritual journey, which happens right after the class
- Be recognized (onscreen) as a covenant member during one of the weekend services.
Join a small group
Join a small group
Life is better lived in circles than in rows, which is why community is so important to us. Small groups are made up of 8-12 people who meet in homes for study, discussion and prayer. You can join an existing group, start your own or form a “test drive” small group to test out the small group experience for a single sermon series.